What are 21st Century Digital Learners Like?
In a recent discussion with a group of teachers we were describing what students who are 21st century digital learners are like. Descriptions were offered including multi-taskers, shallow, scattered, spoiled, and a few others. Surprisingly, many of them were quite negative. Only after recognizing the cynicism of our discussion did we consider some of the positive influences digital media have had on contemporary learning.
I must admit, I tend to be more negative when considering how digital media has changed the way students learn. Upon further investigation, a few positive characteristics have come to my attention. Today’s digital students often, not only are willing to try new things, but love and embrace change. They are often filled with curiosity. Students also readily want to contribute what they discover. I have, on numerous occasions, had students come to me and say, “Hey, have you seen that You Tube clip on….” or, “There’s this really cool website you’ve got to see!”
Students also seem to have a great potential for investing a tremendous amount of time and effort in order to produce quality work when using new media. They take pride in what they can accomplish and, with the many great tools that are out there, the ability to do some very impressive work is growing.
I don’t know if it because I am so analytical that I always seem to find something wrong with the influences of digital media in education or perhaps I am just a “glass-half-empty” kind of person. We as humans tend to naturally resist change. As Dr. David Hawlins said, "It is a foible as human beings to stoutly defend an established position despite overwhelming evidence against it." I still am cautious about fully embracing al aspects of digital media in education but I am slowly coming around to admitting that it isn’t all bad. I’m a little slow on some matters.
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